Adopted 1987; Amended 1999
Article I: Name and Principal Office
Section 1.1
The name of the association shall be known as Cue Sports Nova Scotia, hereafter referred to as "the association".
Section 1.2
The principal office of the association shall be determined to be the residence of the President or Acting President of the association, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors.
Article II: Objectives
Section 2.1
The objectives of the association shall be:
1) to advance the level of skill and competition for all players, including men, women, and juniors
2) to encourage interest and participation in the sport by players and spectators
3) to co-operate with other organizations engaged in the promotion of billiards whose objectives are compatible with the association
4) to protect the mutual interest of its members
5) to cause for the creation of ranking tournaments and related events for pool and snooker province-wide, and to conduct promotional activities to publicize these events
6) to improve conditions of the games and the atmosphere where the games are played
7) to work with other billiard organizations to promote and standardize rules of play and equipment specifications
Article III: Membership
Section 3.1
There shall be four types of membership, each with its own privileges, duties, and dues structures, all of which shall be set by the Board of Directors. An up-to-date membership entitles the member to participate in all Cue Sports Nova Scotia sanctioned events until such time as their membership either expires, is suspended, or is terminated.
1) New Members - A New member is any person who has never before been a member of the association. New members will be required to complete an application form to be forwarded to the Secretary for addition to the general membership list, and to pay a membership fee as determined by the Board of Directors.
2) Renewal Members - A Renewal member is any person who has previously been a member of the association. Renewal members will be required to complete an application form to be forwarded to the Secretary for addition to the general membership list, and to pay a membership fee as determined by the Board of Directors.
3) Junior Members - A Junior member is any person who has not yet reached the age of majority in the province of Nova Scotia as of the date they purchase their membership. Junior members will be required to complete an application form to be forwarded to the Secretary for addition to the general membership list, and, if not a new member, to pay a membership fee as determined by the Board of Directors.
4) Student Members - A Student member is any person who holds a valid student ID card for the season in question. Student members will be required to complete an application form to be forwarded to the
Secretary for addition to the general membership list, and, if not a new member, to pay a membership fee as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 3.2
For cause any membership shall be suspended or terminated: Sufficient cause for such action shall be violation of the constitution or bylaws or any lawful rule or practice duly adopted by the association, or any conduct prejudicial to the interests of the association. Suspension, termination, reinstatement, or appeals shall be governed by the Code of Conduct.
Section 3.3
Code of Conduct - A Code of Conduct shall be approved annually by the Board of Directors by a majority vote. As a condition of membership, each player member shall agree to abide by and be subject to the rules of the Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct will be enforced at all Cue Sports Nova Scotia sanctioned events, including ranking tournaments, provincial championships, and other events where members are present. Any violation may result in written warning, suspension, or termination of the membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
Article IV: Board of Directors
Section 4.1
There shall be a minimum of five and not more than fifteen directors voted to the Board by the general membership at the Annual General Meeting. For a person to be voted in as a Director, a nomination must first be made, the person in question must accept the nomination, and the nomination then be seconded. If a person declines a nomination, the nomination will be considered withdrawn. All nominations will then be voted upon by the general membership until the agreed upon number of Board members is reached. Directors will sit for a one year term, with the end of the term coming at the Annual General Meeting the following year.
Section 4.2
The Board of Directors shall have supervision, control, and direction over the affairs of the association. It may adopt such rules and regulations for conduct and business as deemed advisable, and may appoint such agents as it may consider necessary to pursue the objectives of the association.
Section 4.3
The Board of Directors shall meet as determined by the requirements of the association during any season, or as deemed necessary and requested by the President or Acting President of the association.
Section 4.4
The Board of Directors must have a quorum of "50% plus one" of the directors present to conduct business. Meetings of the Board of Directors will be governed by Roberts Rules of Order.
Article V: Executive
Section 5.1
Executive - The Executive shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer may or may not be combined for a given term. The Executive offices are filled by the members of the Board of Directors determining from their membership who would be best qualified to hold the various positions. Elections shall be by secret ballot for each office and a majority vote shall elect. In the event of a tie, further ballots will be held for the nominees in question, also by secret ballot, until a winner is declared. The offices of the Executive are two-year terms.
Section 5.2
President - The President, as chief officer of the association, shall preside at all meetings. The President shall have and exercise general charge and supervision of the affairs of the association and be its official spokesperson. The President shall, if required, help appoint and be a member of all committees of the association.
Section 5.3
Vice-President - The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the event of his or her absence or disability, and may perform such other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.
Section 5.4
Secretary - The Secretary shall record all the minutes of all meetings of the association and its Board of Directors and aid in coordinating communications with the membership of the association. The Secretary shall also keep a recorded list of all memberships within the association, and render an updated list to the Board of Directors at appropriate intervals during the year.
Section 5.5
Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep all records of membership dues, sanction fees, and other monies paid to the association and render reports of the finances of the association to the Board of Directors at appropriate intervals during the year. The fiscal year for the association shall run from August 1st to July 31st of the following year, and the Treasurer shall render a complete financial statement for the association at the Annual General Meeting each year.
Section 5.6
Compensation - The Executive and Board of Directors of the league shall receive no compensation for their services. The Board of Directors may reimburse any Executive or Board member a reasonable sum to cover expenses incurred while performing duties of the association.
Article VI: Meetings
Section 6.1
Annual General Meeting - There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the association held at a time specified by the Board of Directors of the prior season, generally about mid-August of any year. A lead time of not less than two weeks will be considered sufficient notice for the A.G.M. The purpose of the A.G.M. shall be:
- to clear up any old business pertaining to the previous season;
- to discuss the format for the upcoming season for pool and snooker;
- to set a preliminary playing schedule for the upcoming season, including dates for ranking tournament, provincial championships, major events, and meetings;
- to elect the officers of the Board of Directors
Section 6.2
Voting - Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote at the Annual General Meeting and any other meeting to which the member is entitled to attend.
Section 6.3
Nominations - The association will accept nominations from its player membership for persons to be named to the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting. The same applies for nominations from the Board for persons to be named to the Executive at the Board of Directors meeting. The name may be added to the ballot being elected provided the nomination is accepted by the individual in question.
Section 6.4
Interim Positions - Should the need arise for a position of the Board of Directors or the Executive to be filled on an interim basis, all nominations and voting procedures will be conducted as previously outlined, and the incumbent will hold the position until the next Annual General Meeting, at which time those positions will be open for re-election.
Article VII: Committees
Section 7.1
The Executive, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, shall appoint such committees as may be necessary to conduct the affairs of the association.
Article VIII: Amendments to the Constitution
Section 8.1
The constitution may be altered, amended, or replaced at any duly called meeting of the Board of Directors by majority vote, provided that the proposed changes are given, in writing, to the Executive at least two weeks in advance of the called meeting. Also, a copy of the constitution, along with a Special Resolution signed by the Executive, must be filed with the Registry of Joint Stocks to replace the outdated constitution.
Article IX: Miscellaneous Provisions
Section 9.1