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The entry fee paid by each player be will determined by a players Fargo Rating.  Fargo Rating is an objective rating applied to players based on their actual performance in relation to the competition they face.


More information regarding Fargo Rating can be found at


Fargo Ratings will only determine the entry fees to be paid by a player.  Matches at ranking events and provincials will not be handicapped.  Players will race to the same number of games as their opponent, regardless their Fargo Rating.


Entry Fee Ranges –

630 and above                    $60 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

575-629                               $50 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

525-574                               $40 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

425-524                               $30 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

424 and below                    $20 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

*Entry to Provincial Championship events are normally an additional $10-$20 for the top tier levels. 


Current Fargo Ratings for a player can be searched for at


Fargo ratings are based on overall game results that are input into the Fargo rating system maintained by Fargorate.


Players with a rating based on 200 or more games are considered "robust", which means that the stability of their rating has reached a point that their rating will not severely fluctuate with the influence of a small subset of added games, for instance the addition of 10-15 games that represent a typical match.


Players that do not a have a robust rating (at least 200 games recorded in Fargo) can be subject to an arbitrary rating at each event, as deemed appropriate by the tournament director, whom can consider the input of other CSNS directors or classification committee members, and/or influence by what data is known for the player at the time in the Fargo Rating system.


Once a player reaches robustness of 200 or more games, their Fargo Rating at that time will dictate their entry fee for all events.



Any player that meets CBSA Amateur National criteria (Fargo less than 650 for men, less than 550 for women) may participate in CBSA Amateur Nationals, regardless of prior Major event wins, given they qualify or are endorsed by CSNS to participate in the National event. See Nationals Guidelines for CSNS.


Eligibility to participate in Amateur Provincials, will rely on a formula of Fargo Rating AND/OR accomplishment in past Major Events.  A list of players NOT eligible for Provincial Amateur competitions, and the criteria for this list, will be posted below.



For the purpose of CSNS Provincials, any player that has two or more major event wins in their career, or has been a major event winner in the last 3 years, or has a Fargo rating at the start of the season that exceeds the provincial Fargo cutoff (see below), may be excluded from participating in CSNS Amateur Provincials.




2 or more Major Wins in playing career, or

Major Winner in last 3 years, or

630 Fargo and above to start season.


Womens 525 Fargo and above.




 - Two or more Major Titles in career:

Rick Leon

Colin Maloney

Greg Wilson

Bill MacPherson 

Chris Penney

Richard Young

Brian White

Clayton Dennis 

Colin MacDonald

Pat Briand

Bruce Lilly

Dave Boone

Peter Thompson

Dick Barker

Brad Doyle

Nok Mantolino

Guy Tremblay

Kyle Richard


  - Most recent major event won in last 3 years is listed.


Fargo Rating 630 or Above as of September 2024

Bruce Abadilla

Wayne Warner

Kayle Goodwin

Andrew Simon

Everette Paul

Robert Young

John Kristof

Chris Bright

Jody Swim

Davis Atkinson

Wayne Thibodeau​

Chris Simon



Janet Ritcey


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