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CSNS Ranking Events (Main Draw)


  • CSNS Ranking Events are only open to players born or residing in Nova Scotia for at least 60 days. Some form of documentation may be required to confirm the 60 day status, if necessary.


  • CSNS Ranking Events will include players of all classifications.  There will not be separate Ranking Events for each classification.


  • CSNS Ranking Events are held across the province.​


  • CSNS Ranking Events will alternate between being 8-Ball events & 9-Ball events.


  • CSNS Ranking events start play at 11 AM.  Registration and practice begins at 10 AM.


  • Entry Fees will be staggered according to player Fargo rating:

630+ - $60 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

575-629 - $50 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

525-574 - $40 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

425-524 - $30 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

424 and below - $20 + $5 Green Fee + $5 Junior Fund Fee 

(see Player Ratings tab for more details)


  • $15 membership fee is mandatory for all players upon entering their first tournament of the season.  Memberships expire July 31, 2025.


  • A $125 CSNS sanction fee will be removed from the funds of each Ranking event. All other funds collected from Entry Fees will be returned as prize money. (not including green fees and Junior Fund fees)

  • ​

  • 3 monetary prizes will be awarded to the highest finishing players with a Fargo rating between 550 and 451.  3 monetary prizes will also be awarded to the highest finishing players with a Fargo 450 or below.


  • Format for CSNS Ranking Events will be Double Knockout, with one set final.


  • For fields more than 16 players, there will be a re-draw of the final 4 players, and play will be single knockout from that point forward.


  • For fields more than 32 players, there will be a re-draw of the final 8 players, and play will be single knockout from that point forward.


  • For fields more than 64 players, there will be a re-draw of the final 16 players, and play will be single knockout from that point forward. (Tournament Director reserves the right to expand the cutoff for Single Elimination play, if required.


  • When redrawing, half the redraw entries will come from the remaining A-Side players, and half the re-draw entires will be from the remaining B-Side players.  Players from the A-Side will stay in their original pre-redraw positions in the bracket, and the B-Side players will be randomly shuffled in to them. From there it is single elimination


  • Race lengths for 8-Ball will be 5 on the A-Side, 4 on the B-Side. Redraw races will be to 5.  Final will be one race to 7. 


  • Race lengths for 9-Ball will be 7 on both sides.  Redraw races will be to 7. Final will be one race to 9.  


  • Races may be adjusted prior to start of a ranking event, to accommodate tournament completion in one day.


  • Current World Standardized Rules apply, except for the rules noted below:


  • Alternate Break.  Rack for yourself. 


  • Magic Racks may be used by anyone.  The racker has the choice to use Magic Rack or hand rack.


  • In 9-Ball, the 1-Ball is racked on the spot.  In Ranking events, there is no requirement for minimum number of balls to be made/driven past the headstring.  9-Ball on the break is spotted.


  • (Fouls) Before Shot Execution – any accidental ball movement of a numbered ball prior to cue tip contact with the cue ball is not a foul, but will result in the opposing player having the option to restore the ball as close as possible to it's original position.   The opposing player must be given this option before the next shot or it is a foul.  Accidental touches involving the cue ball are considered a foul, even before shot execution.  Accidental disturbance of multiple balls at once is also an automatic foul, when this occurs before shot execution.


  • All Ball Fouls - Any ball touched or moved after cue tip contact with the cue ball, that is not a direct result of the shot, will be deemed a foul, and all balls will remain as they come to rest.  


  • To avoid disagreements, it is strongly suggested that an arbitrator is called if there is a likely hood a player may commit a foul in the execution of a shot,


  • Loose Clothing touching balls can only be called a foul by an arbitrator.   Clothing touches should only be called a foul if a ball is moved as a result of the touching clothing.


  • Match Time – The Tournament Director will make note of when a match is called.  If a player is called to a table, that player has 15 minutes to report ready to play or they will forfeit the match.  Matches may not be held for players showing up late for a tournament.  Players stepping out for a break between matches, or going to get food or coffee, etc, do so at their own peril.   


  • Only bathroom breaks are allowed during a match. Players must return immediately to the table.​


  • When there are 6 or more interested women at a ranking event, there may be a separate Women's event. (for 2024-25 There will be 4 separate ladies only ranking events.  See schedule for dates.  A ladies only finale will also be held.  To participate in the ladies finale, a player must have participated in at least two Ladies Only ranking events.


  • When there is enough interest. there will be handicapped Second Chance "Mini Turbo" tournaments available to players who are entered in the main draw but do not finish “in the money”.  See ‘Second Chance Tournament’ for further details.


Second Chance Tournament (will only be held if overall attendance/number of tables allow)


  • As long as there is interest from enough players, Second Chance "Mini Turbo" tournaments will be held at each Ranking event in order to give players more opportunity for competition.  These Second Chance events will start as soon as there are enough tables and enough participants.


  • The Second Chance events will be open to any player not finishing “in the money” in the Main Draw.  Once a player has been knocked out of the Main Draw they have the option to register for a Second Chance "Mini Turbo".  Entry into Second Chance events is voluntary.​  Multiple "Mini Turbo" events may be held so long as there is enough interest.


  • Each "Mini Turbo" event is a Single Knockout tournament with a maximum of 8 players, and no less than 4 players. 


  • Cost of entry to each Second Chance "Mini Turbo" is $10 per player.  The first 8 players to pay will make up the field of that "Mini Turbo".  Players may participate in as many "Mini Turbo" events as they like, but can only be registered for one "Mini Turbo" at a time.


  • Second Chance "Mini Turbo" events may be handicapped.  Race lengths are determined by the difference in Fargo Rating between the participants of each match.  See a CSNS Director at the registration desk for more information.


  • The first "Mini Turbo" event to be held at each Ranking event, will be reserved for players with a Fargo Rating of 550 or below, unless not enough participants are interested in a reasonable time.  A second "Mini-Turbo" will be organized for players with a Fargo Rating above 550, if enough interest.   Players with a Fargo rating below 550 or below can choose to enter a "Mini Turbo" meant for players above 550.


  • ​All other rules from the main draw apply to the Second Chance event, unless otherwise stated by the tournament director prior to play.


  • All Entry Fees for the Second Chance event will be returned as prize money.​  For a typical 8 player field, $50 will go to first place, $30 will go to second place.


  • No ranking points will be earned in Second Chance events, but scores may be entered into the Fargo Rating system. 

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